Swimmers and parents. Welcome!
Coaches Michael H., Michael L. and Katryna are leading the Wolverines once again for another exciting season, Below are some important business information received from our Booster rep/Treasurer - Judy Lee to kick off the 2019/2020 season. TEAM PRACTICE Location: Edgebrook Club (13454 SE Newport Way, Bellevue) Monday to Friday 5-7 pm Our first team practice will be on Monday 11/18 from 5-7 pm. Please drop off your swimmer at Edgebrook Club by 4:45 pm to ensure they are ready to start practice promptly at 5 pm. The pool is outdoors and heated. Please remind your swimmer to bring his own towel, slippers and swim parka if they have one. If your swimmer can't make it to practice, please ask your swimmer to email coach Mike Hill ([email protected]) directly and CC a parent on the email. Coach prefers swimmers to be in charge of communications with coaching staff. All email communications between coaches and swimmers need to be cc'd to a parent/guardian. Coach will share more regarding attendance expectation once the season starts. WINTER SPORTS PARENT MEETING/SWIM TEAM MEETING TUESDAY 11/26/2019 7 PM Please plan to attend Winter Sports parent meeting on 11/26 at 7 PM at BHS MAIN GYM. It will be followed by breakout sessions where individual sports teams will meet. Our team will meet outside the Main Gym in the commons area. Please bring order forms for Suits/Team Apparels and Booster Club donation check (see below). TEAM SUIT/CAP AND TEAM APPAREL ORDER Karen Skalski ([email protected]) is helping us with team orders this season (Thank you Karen!). Karen has two swimmers Dane (11th) and Cannon (10th). We are offering T shirts and Hoodies for purchase. Team captains are in the process of creating new designs for the suit as well as T-shirt/Hoodie. We plan to email you the order forms this week once the new designs are ready. The turnaround time is one week for the suit and 2 weeks for team apparels once the orders are placed. All order forms need to be turned in to Karen by Tuesday 11/26/2019 (at the meeting) at the latest so we can place the order as soon as possible. Please email Karen if any questions. BOOSTER CLUB DONATIONS (We aim to have 100% participation) In the beginning of the season, we ask families to donate to Boys Swim and Dive Booster Club to help fund the team events during the season (6 team dinners per season, end of the year banquet), pool/training equipments, and coaches gifts to name a few. Part of your donation will also help support SplashForward's effort in building a world-class regional aquatics center on the Eastside. BHS Girls Swim/Dive Team and BHS Water Polo Teams are all supporters of this important project. Please see the attached flyer or visit splashforward.org for more information. Please review Booster Club Donation form attached. Elizabeth is our team treasurer this year (Thank you Elizabeth!). Her swimmer is Henry Wheeler (10th). You can mail the check/form to Elizabeth or bring them to our parent meeting on Tuesday 11/26/2019. Please check with your workplace to see if they match donations so we get the most from your contributions. THANK YOU VERY MUCH everyone for your support of our program and your swimmers. We are aiming for 100% participation so we won't have to worry about fundraising. The suggested donation amount is $175 but if you can give more, we will happily accept your money. RECRUITING VOLUNTEERS I received a list of volunteers for various booster club roles from Susan (our wonderful mom who helped with many aspects of this team for the last several years, thank you Susan!). I will be reaching out to parents who signed up for these roles last season to see if they are interested in continuing their jobs. I am a part-time physician and will try my best to make things run smoothly. We have 26 new swimmers and 44 total swimmers this season. We count on you to make it a great season for all. I will have a sign up sheet at the parent meeting. In terms of volunteers for the swim meets, we will use SignUp Genius for sign-ups. We'll have a parent volunteer coordinator who can help us set this up. I'll be sending out an email when this is up and running. We are responsible to provide meet volunteers for 4 home meets (12/5, 12/12, 1/14, 1/21). Please save the date and be ready to help. COMMUNITY SERVICE AS A TEAM Something new this year that I would like to run by you all...I like to create opportunities for team bonding while doing community service. It allows the boys to get together outside of swimming to do something meaningful. The organizations I am thinking of that will work well for our group are Northwest Harvest Kent Warehouse (re-packing food into family size portions to be distributed to other food banks) and Mary's Place (provides shelter and services that support women, children and families out of homelessness). One idea is to hold food drive and collect other goods at our Team Dinners (we plan to have at least 6 team dinners this season). Interested swimmers can sign up with their teammates to organize the drives. We can also set up a couple of dates for available swimmers to volunteer as a group at Northwest Harvest Kent Warehouse to re-pack food (2-hour shift on a Saturday). I am a regular volunteer at NW Harvest. I think our boys will enjoy the experience. I can start planning if there is enough interest from the swimmers and families. Please shoot me a quick email ([email protected]) if you think this is something we should do as a team this year.
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